2023-12-27 09:38:13 -
包包很好看,背在身上,仙气十足,非常的美丽大方,爱不释手啊,和图片一样,与描 述相符,真的非常物美价廉,物流很快,配送的很及时,可以放下很多东西,出门带也很方便,设计很新颖,性价比高,而且物美价廉,质量那是真的好啊,首先包装的很仔细 看起来很有质感 很值这个价 而且设计的还挺独特的,服务态度热情,赞一个,总之就是在这个包包很值得购买啦~

2023-12-27 16:50:48 -

2023-12-25 11:33:56 -

2023-12-28 20:57:47 -

2023-12-24 12:41:57 -

2023-12-27 11:50:22 -

2023-12-26 20:04:07 -
拿回来看了视频开始赶工 两天就完事儿了 脖子酸也值得🌝🌝

2023-12-24 11:52:49 -

2023-12-28 19:57:58 -

2023-12-29 13:07:17 -

My First Coke

My First Coke

By: Allen Zheng

A Nonfiction Book

I looked out the window; I was on vacation in Atlanta. It had been a busy day yesterday; I had gone to the Coca-Cola center and tasted lots of different sodas. At the exit a person that works there gave us 4 cokes-1 for each member of my family.


The car screeched and shook and finally it stopped.”We’re here”! My dad said. We all got out of the car and headed toward the baseball field and watched the game. The sun was hot and bright and it kept getting hotter. The sun was so hot it made me thirsty, after a while I couldn’t take it anymore.”I’m thirsty”! I told my dad. So my dad and I went back to the car to get a drink. When we got back to the car my dad pulled a coke out of the ice box, I took it and drank it. The coke was sweet and bubbly and it tasted delicious! I loved it!


When I got home from vacation I saved the coke bottle in a plastic bag in my drawer so whenever I look at it I will remember when I drank my first coke!


About The Author

  • My name is Allen S. Zheng
  • I am 8 ½ years old
  • I am a 2nd grader at Oak Brook Elementary
  • I live in Ballwin, Missouri
  • My favorite food is noodles
  • My favorite book is Ranger’s Apprentice




I dedicate this book to my dad for helping me get the coke.





感恩节所诞生的教会 —- 达拉斯第一侵信会华人团契


It was a beautiful run.